- Lake Constance Canoes - Home

Description: We make lightweight canoes from natural fiber laminates, precision paddles and equipment, and offer skill-based canoe courses and instructor training.

coaching (23700) sport (23022) course (3743) solo (897) canoe (726) freestyle (527) paddle (435) flax (78) felicity (13) natural fiber composites (2)

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Solo Sport Canoeing & Freestyle Canoeing Canoe paddling with grace, ease and precision Discover canoeing in a new way Welcome to Lake Constance Canoes We make lightweight and responsive, recreational sports canoes from natural fibers, as well as precision paddles and gear , and we provide canoeing skills coachings and instructor training for an open community of highly awesome people.

Responsive and agile 13 foot solo canoe. Designed as a freestyle and sports canoe, it is just as at home on still waters as it is on calmer small rivers.

We not only teach advanced technique for still water respectively solo sport canoeing or freestyle canoeing, but also the basics of efficient and body-friendly canoe touring.

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