- LAB1100

Description: LAB1100. Research and Software Development. Pim van Bree & Geert Kessels.

Example domain paragraphs

☰ Products Services Contact LAB1100 develops data driven research environments and interactive web applications. We transform data, we analyse data, we visualise data, and we train you to maximise the value of your data. 01 Jun 2023 Sign up for the nodegoat Workshop at the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics on 25 July 2023 CORE Admin LAB1100 has provided the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) with a nodegoat Grow installation to service two multi-year research projects. The project '

training Continue reading 24 Feb 2023 nodegoat Workshop at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte in Munich CORE Admin On February 16 LAB1100 ran a nodegoat workshop at the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History ( Institut für Zeitgeschichte ) in Munich. [....]

training Continue reading 28 Nov 2022 LAB1100 celebrates its 10 year anniversary CORE Admin This year we celebrate our 10 year anniversary as LAB1100. We are grateful for all the exciting projects that we have been involved in, and for being able to collaborate with so many inspiring people. We look forward to continuing to work together with scholars from all over the world to deliver trailblazing research software. [....]

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