- Kevin Zakka's Website

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Hey there! I'm a CS PhD student at UC Berkeley, where I am advised by Pieter Abbeel . My research lies at the intersection of robotics and machine learning. Kevin Zakka is a second year PhD student in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, where he is advised by Pieter Abbeel. He received his MS in Computer Science with a distinction in research from Stanford University in 2021 and his BEng in Electrical Engineering from the American University of Beirut in 2018. His research lies at the intersection of robotics

Kevin Zakka, Laura Smith, Nimrod Gileadi, Taylor Howell, Xue Bin Peng, Sumeet Singh, Yuval Tassa, Pete Florence, Andy Zeng, Pieter Abbeel In submission, 2023 Webpage   •   PDF   •   Code   •   Colab   •   Demo

Kevin Zakka, Andy Zeng, Pete Florence, Jonathan Tompson, Jeannette Bohg, Debidatta Dwibedi Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2021 ★ Best Paper Award Finalist, CoRL ★ Webpage   •   PDF   •   Code   •   Benchmark   •   Google AI Blog

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