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Into the Spotlight began as an intimate look at the selection, training and making equine theater stars and the creation of the magic that is a live equine theater production . . . but it grew into so much more. Featuring multiple horses, including, rescue horses, and their journeys to the live stage, this feature length documentary also shines the spotlight on horse rescue and unwanted horses in the United States and the unimaginable risk of horses whose lives take the fateful turn that places them on the

Into the Spotlight is a film about hope, rehabilitation and what we can do to protect at-risk horses. This film is for every horse person, whether they own horses or simply love them; it is about partnership and second chances. It is about trust and it is about the love affair that humans have shared with horses since the beginning of human civilization. But what many do not understand is that horse racing benefits both humans and horses. Many scientific advances and discoveries in nutrition have come from

Horses have been great part of racecourses. In the biggest racecourses of the world, bookies have been an integral part of the sporting tradition. Therefore it has a historic significance. You can get hold of biggest races and bet on. So, you can go through some best new bookmaker sites and proceed to bet on. “INTO THE SPOTLIGHT is an all-access pass to the enthralling world of equine theater. We meet the stars-human and horse-of one of the leading acts in North America, and learn how social responsibility