
Example domain paragraphs

(( eval ' ( lambda ( x ) ( pp ` (( eval ' ( lambda ( x ) ( pp , x ))) ',x )))) '` (( eval ' ( lambda ( x ) ( pp , x ))) ',x )) 2013 March 10 A meditation on efficiently detecting illegal states in twisted-ring FSM state vectors . Literate Haskell is a beautiful thing. 2013 April 21 Uncurrying functions for mad(wo)men , or, an entertaining line of thought about something almost entirely pointless. 2013 May 2 BeagleBoard Black Notes, Part 1 — some notes I wrote while playing with my new BeagleBoard Black

addchain implements several methods from the literature for computing short addition chains . You should also see Mike McLoughlin's addchain library , which often gives better results.

conec (COordinated NEtwork Channels) is a Rust library that provides a high-level networking abstraction: it lets clients communicate with one another using arbitrary names rather than network addresses, handles NAT traversal, and provides a number of other nice features.

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