kumethodists.org - Wesley KU: United Methodist Campus Ministry – God Loves You. No Exceptions.

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God Loves You. No Exceptions.

Wesley KU welcomes you ! We are the United Methodist Campus Ministry for the University of Kansas community. We collaborate with Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCA) at Westwood House . Around campus, you likely know us as Westwood House . That’s because we value people, relationships, and community. In fact, at Westwood House, that’s often just what students find. We hope Westwood House will become a home for you while you are a student at KU.

Want to get connected? Join us on Slack! Worship can be attended in person or via Zoom on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. We are following the university’s protocol to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by requiring masks in the building, practicing social distancing, and limiting the size of gatherings. Our food pantry is open Monday-Thursday from 4-6 p.m. We know this year may be challenging for you, so please contact us for informal conversation, prayer, and support. Stay connected via our newsletter , Slack , Instagram

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