- Stefan Kreitmayer

Description: Software engineer, maker and dabbler

software engineer (1789) maker (950) dabbler (9)

Example domain paragraphs

It Pleases started in 2023 as a series of acrylic paintings on flat canvas board. They are documented on and available for purchase on Etsy .

To help shoppers make informed purchase decisions quickly, this gadget uses a barcode scanner and visual feedback in the trolley handle. My role was to assist the researchers at UCL with the implementation of an early prototype using Arduino and Processing. The version I worked on featured 16 LEDs embedded in the handlebar. The video shows a later version with an embedded screen. Check out the video and the article by Fast Company

Named after the fabulous Elm programming language, this game challenges two players to a hilarious fight to the death. The goal was to create a fun game that needs no color, sound, or complex shapes. Using the most minimalistic avatars (circles) and environment (a rectangle) imaginable, the game exposes the visceral experience between humans when it comes down to the basics. After a minute, are you still looking at a circle or straight into your opponent's soul?