kol-ami.org - Congregation Kol Ami

Description: Home page for Congregation Kol Ami, West Hollywood's Reform Synagogue, West Hollywood CA California. A member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Progressive Jewish community welcoming to all, with a large community of LGBTQ / queer people. Founded 1991 and serving West Hollywood ever since. Offering livestream (live streaming video) for our shabbat worship / prayer services every week on Facebook, along with a wide range of educational, spiritual, communal, and social justice activities. Congregation Kol Ami

jewish (1764) lgbtq (1077) live stream (419) streaming video (188) west hollywood (128) reform judaism (18) shabbat service (8) congregation kol ami (1) progressive synagogue (1)

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Contact Rabbi Barry Lutz at  [email protected]

To hear Interim Rabbi Barry Lutz’s first Shabbat Service sermon, click here .

Adult Education: Classes On Demand

Links to kol-ami.org (2)