- Kizuna

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KIZUNA is a platform that lets you make donations via Bitcoin . This project sprung from the desire to maximize, even by the smallest amount, the money delivered to a recipient. That is, to make the most of the feeling that one person has for another. KIZUNA charges no handling fees whatsoever . It delivers the full value of the intended donation directly to the recipient.

With Bitcoin , there are no central banks or borders. Even in this sort of environment, Bitcoin is characterized by the ability for people to deal with other directly, as individuals, sending money with only minimal handling fees. By making use of these characteristics, we can make direct money transfers to organizations that need help all over the world. I have created a platform to do just this.

The outlook that Bitcoin makes possible connects you directly to the rest of the world, so the person helping you could be halfway around the globe. I think this will become a way of telling the world that we are partners, looking to remake the world together, directly connected, forging new bonds hand in hand.

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