- Kirk Lennon

Example domain paragraphs

My most recent project is no-frills expense tracker using PHP and MySQL. It is designed to be installed to the iPhone home screen. Open it like an app, add a price and description, submit, and you're done. It shows the total for the current month plus an itemized list of the current month’s expenses. Totals are shown for prior months. I think simple tasks deserve simple solutions; all of the code is in a single file. A more advanced project is my Patent Puller , which is a Django web application for compili

I’m in the process of transitioning servers and these projects are currently offline, though the code is available.

For help studying foreign languages, I made a flash card web application. The back end runs as an Express server that saves the English and foreign terms in a MySQL database and provides them as a JSON endpoint. This same data source then powers traditional two-sided flashcards and a quiz where you read the English and type the corresponding foreign word. The front end uses JavaScript to generate and animate the cards and validate the quiz answers. The code is available on GitHub .

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