- Kiriti Sengupta – Poet | Translator | Editor | Publisher

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“While making deities of goddess Durga, the sculptors take a pinch of soil from the yard of sex workers and add it to the clay dough. It’s a ritual that has been followed religiously for ages. How will this goddess save her followers? How does society treat prostitutes? Do they enjoy freedom of expression at all? Does patriarchy allow equal rights to women at-large? A female god with a hint of a brothel is no god: she prefers to keep silent even when women are abused. Perhaps, she knows that a woman’s voice

Like Blake, Sengupta transfuses his intrinsic romanticism into a profoundly spiritual, and gloriously beautiful, experience. Sengupta’s poetry lends itself to a transcendentalist reading. The essence of Emerson’s “Over-Soul” permeates the poems. His images are drawn from nature, and he often describes daily life, yet, an unmistakable divine spirit, an “over-soul” is present in the pieces. —  The Hollins Critic

His poems are, to some extent, an epiphany where existence precedes essence. Sengupta’s poems stand out for depicting the divergent roads—from dark alleys to luminous lanes. The unrhymed verses stand out to portray the bewitching and the fascinating, and readers feel the tremor while going through the turbulent poetic waves. — Colorado Review

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