- kim trainor

Description: I'm a poet and instructor in the English Department at Douglas College. This blog is a series of posts I've written over the years on poetry and its relation to witness and making; lyric and DNA; opsis + melos; poets Philip Larkin to Pat Lowther; an Iron age horsewoman; Wyatt; miscellany. My most recent book,…

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I’m a poet and instructor in the English Department at Douglas College . This blog is a series of posts I’ve written over the years on poetry and its relation to witness and making; lyric and DNA; opsis + melos; poets Philip Larkin to Pat Lowther; an Iron age horsewoman; Wyatt; miscellany. My most recent book, Ledi  (Book*hug 2018) was a finalist for for the 2019 Raymond Souster award . I was longlisted for the 2019 CBC Poetry Prize for my poem “Desolation. ” You can find some reviews of Ledi here and here

My next book is  A thin fire runs through me,  a sequence of short poems offering readings of the  I Ching,  or  Book of Changes.  Excerpts from this manuscript have been published by Qwerty   and longlisted under the title “ Sweetgum (7 readings of the I Ching ) ” for the 2018 CBC Poetry Prize. It will appear with Icehouse Poetry (Goose Lane Editions) on 28 March 2023.

My current project, A blueprint for survival , will appear with Guernica Editions in Spring 2024. consists of a series of poems on wildfire, the boreal, the polar vortex, the Blackmud, the Whitemud, Desolation Peak, Widgeon, Say Nuth Khaw Yum; followed by a long sequence called “Seeds” that documents organisms and human artefacts offering resilience in the face of climate change. Some of these have been published recently or are forthcoming in: Anthropocene (AHIP) ; ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Litera