- A New Model for Decision Making | Kevin Hanegan - Data Literacy Expert

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When you think of data, do you think of complex charts and dashboards, things that are best left up to the experts to decipher? Kevin Hanegan is a data literacy expert and author of Turning Data into Wisdom: How We Can Collaborate with Data to Change Ourselves, Our Organizations, and Even the World .

In  Turning Data into Wisdom , you will discover the following:

Turning Data into Wisdom: How We Can Collaborate with Data to Change Ourselves, Our Organizations, and Even the World presents a 6-phase, 12-step process to help those at all levels of an organization use their knowledge, skills, and experience to make data-informed decisions that can help transform their companies---and sometimes, even the world. The many real-life examples and case studies as well as tools, definitions, and templates will help you feel equipped and empowered to understand, seek out, and d

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