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Slide Celebrating the certainty of Christ in uncertain times Join us live on Sunday mornings What we believe Slide Slide Join us on Sundays at 10:30 in our building. The service and live stream start at 11:00. Join us again in the evening at 6.30 for Prayer & Praise. See our calendar for more details.

At Kensington we want to reach out to the people of Easton and Bristol, using our lives and gifts for the church and our neighbours, in love for Jesus Christ. We delight in the diversity of cultures, nations and ages and want to love one another with grace and truth in Jesus Christ.

God sent his eternal Son Jesus, into the world, living without sin. Jesus was and is, fully God and fully man.  He preached the Kingdom of God and taught with absolute truth and authority. His miracles demonstrated his sovereign, good, loving, all powerful rule over creation.