- Kelli Lee Sappenfield Soul Evolution Coaching – Kelli Lee Sappenfield is a fifth-generation metaphysician, spiritual visioneer,

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Over the past decade I’ve developed and refined a method to help spiritual seekers reinvent their lives, learn metaphysics, how the Universe and Spirit works along with achieving a more profound spiritual connection. My mission is to empower you live the life that you want now, and together we can achieve the life you are truly passionate to live. Even as a 5th generation metaphysician, there were bumps in the road that led me to discover the path I use now to help guide you.

Hello gorgeous soul! Want to live an abundant life of happiness, success and fulfillment? Download my FREE GIFT! – Bad Juju Begone!

Rediscover your True Self and Reinvent your Spiritual and Human Life with One-On-One Mentoring.

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