- | …a writer in the rough

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Over the years, I would write things that would make people laugh, and they’d tell me, “You should be a writer.” Maybe one of these days, I’d say.

I always thought I’d like to write a novel, but it seemed like an impossibly difficult task. Then in my mid-forties I started going to writers groups. My first goal was to just have something to bring for the group to read. Then week after week I started stringing together a story that eventually became my first novel.

I enjoy creating quirky characters and writing about the funny things they do. Woven into the stories are truths that have shaped my life. Psalm 103 talks about how God redeems our lives from the pit. That’s what he’s done for me – hoisted me up out of my pit, and I like to share some of what I’ve learned in an entertaining way.

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