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Description: Off-the-grid Keene Castle educates people about global warming, climate change, green tech, sustainability, green energy production, solar PV, geothermal and green building.

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Having lived in Germany while in the Army, I was inspired to build a castle. In 1998 I did  Tony Robbins' goal setting workshop . I set 3 goals: 1. Move back to New Hampshire, 2. Marry the woman of my dreams & start a family, 3. Build my dream home, a castle. The castle soon became a source of inspiration, not just for achieving one's goals in life but also to teach people about climate change, global warming, green energy production and green building. As a science nerd and an artist, this off-the-grid cas

Picking up where I left off after my hospitalization last year, I am continuing to install the floorboards over the timber. I got the rest of the deck for my 25' round living room put down in the beginning of May.

In August 2022, I lost my entire construction crew (me). I ended up bedridden in the hospital with a blood infection from a nick on my shin that got into my spine, causing excruciating pain. I finally got out in November 2022 and was walking with a walker. I had to relearn to walk and rebuild the 25 lbs. of muscle weight I had lost. So, that pretty much killed the rest of the 2022 build season, and I never got the second floor installed. By going to karate every day starting in January 2023 and working thro