kazakhfilm.com - Kazakh Film

Description: Myn Bala - Kazakh movie with English subtitles, Художественный фильм "ТЕНДЕР". Жанр: Криминальная драма. Производство "ARLAN-FILM" Казахстан 2021г., "ТОМИРИС" Көркем фильмі. Жанр: Қазақстандық тарихи драма. "Казақфильм" өндірісі. Казақстан 2021г.

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Film was a Yugoslav rock group founded in 1978 in Zagreb . Film was one of the most popular rock groups of the former Yugoslav new wave in the late 1970s to early 1980s.

During 1977 and 1978, bassist Marino Pelajić, guitarist Mladen Jurčić, and drummer Branko Hromatko were Azra members when Branimir "Johnny" Štulić brought Jura Stublić as the new vocalist. Stublić was to become Aerodrom member, but due to his deep vocals it never happened. The lineup functioned for a few months only and after a quarrel with Štulić, on early 1979, Pelajić, Jurčić, Hromatko and Stublić formed the band Šporko Šalaporko i Negove Žaluzine, naming the band after a story from the "Polet" youth mag

Saxophonist Jurij Novoselić, who at the time had worked under the pseudonym Kuzma Videosex, joined the band, inspiring others to use pseudonym instead of their original names: vocalist Stublić became Jura Jupiter, bassist Pelajić became Mario Baraccuda and guitarist Jurčić became Max Wilson. Before joining the band, Stublić did not have much experience as a vocalist, however, since his father had been an opera singer, he often visited the theatre and opera, and at the age of 13, he started playing the guita