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I believe strongly in the power of the arts and their histories to transform our understanding of the world around us, and am passionate about making art history accessible to a wide audience. As an art historian, writer, editor, and educator with more than a decade of experience working in arts institutions and higher education, I value clear written and oral communication for experts and non-experts alike and am dedicated to interdisciplinary exchange. With a strong background in digital art history metho

I received my Ph.D. in Art History & Visual Culture from Duke University in 2021. Currently, I am an ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow with the Digital Matters Lab at the University of Utah. I am also a dissertation copyeditor with Flatpage .

For Americans in particular, the idea of temporary burial typically comes as a shock. We are accustomed to purchasing burial plots where our remains are intended to rest in perpetuity—or at least that is the myth we’re sold and, of course, there are countless examples of cemetery abandonment and exhumation in the US for a variety of reasons that we won’t get into here. For some reason however we’re not supposed to consider that we might be dug up one day, whereas in France—and many other countries for that