kathylbrown.com - Kathy L. Brown Writes - Kathy L. Brown Writes Official Home Page

Description: Speculative Fiction With A Historical Twist Kathy L. Brown Writes Author Kathy L Brown. Latest news, cons, books, and thoughts on storytelling.

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The Resurrectionist . “Good book; hard to put down. Every turn of the page left me wanting to know what happens next.” —An Amazon reader

Sean Joye is a fae-touched young veteran of 1922’s Irish Civil War. He wants nothing more than to start a clean, new life in America, free of supernatural misadventures and shoot-on-sight orders. He takes what he  thinks  is an easy job as bodyguard for a St. Louis judge, driving him to Missouri’s infamous state penitentiary to witness an execution. The appointed day is clear and fine. A perfect day for a hanging. Yet as soon as they arrive at the prison, Sean realizes his back is up over something.  Maybe

Welcome to award-winning speculative fiction author Kathy L. Brown’s official home page! I’m thrilled you dropped by and hope you enjoy your visit. Read my blog, check out my news, or do a little shopping . If you’re curious about me , click here , or my mission, click here . I’m on the usual social media: Facebook: @kbKathylbrown and Instagram: kathylbrownwrites . Here’s the media kit!

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