katemotyleva.design - Ekaterina Motyleva – Product Designer | UX/UI | Mobile Apps | Landing pages | Webflow | e-Commerce | Fintech | DeFi |

Description: I specialize in creating intuitive user-friendly interfaces and deliver innovative solutions to help businesses thrive online.

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I design web and mobile interfaces focusing on usability and aesthetics. I will help your brand develop a UX strategy, establish a visual language, and create a product that drives results.

As a UX/UI designer with a background in international business, I bring a unique perspective to my work. My skills in product and user research, designing fully-clickable mockups, and building web apps in CMS allow me to deliver production-ready prototypes. To learn more about my journey, check out my bio.

Design thinking framework to create user-centered experiences, from ideation to testing. Involves developing user personas, site maps, and user flows. The end result is a set of black-and-white wireframes ready for visual design.