karimjivraj.com - Karim Jivraj - About Karim

Description: Karim Jivraj is a law graduate and a past Tory candidate for Parliament. Karim Jivraj attended the Sorbonne, Cornell and the Paris Institute of Political Studies.

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Karim Jivraj is a law graduate, a past candidate for Parliament and currently a private citizen. Born and raised in Ontario, Karim Jivraj attended the Toronto French School for twelve years, where he served as Student President. After graduating, he moved to Paris and matriculated at the Sorbonne, where he studied International Law, earning his Maitrise en droit . Karim Jivraj earned a coveted spot at Sciences Po via national entrance exam and won a full scholarship to Cornell Law School, where he won the C

While a student in Paris, Karim became an active spokesperson for labour-market reform opposing the March 2006 student riots and played a key role in creating the Alternative Libérale , a new political party advocating for significant deregulation and economic liberalization. Karim’s activism was profiled in Le Monde , Le Figaro and La Vanguardia . 

Karim’s international legal experience includes work placements in international arbitration and litigation, corporate and tax law departments at leading Canadian, American and French law firms. During his studies, Karim clerked at the Cour de cassation , France’s Supreme Court in civil and criminal matters, under the tutelage of the Premier président (Chief Justice) Vincent Lamanda.