karenaromanko.com - Karen A. Romanko, Author and Editor

Description: Biography and publications of Karen A. Romanko.

author (9398) writer (7701) fantasy (4130) television (3877) editor (3612) science fiction (2115) nonfiction (487) mysteries (354) women's history (43) karen a. romanko (3)

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Karen A. Romanko has been a published author for over three decades. Her latest book, Women of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television: An Encyclopedia of 400 Characters and 200 Shows, 1950-2016 (McFarland, 2019), celebrates the essential contributions of women to science fiction and fantasy TV, with characters who run the gamut from superheroes, extraterrestrials and time travelers to witches, vampires and mere mortals who deal with the fantastic in their daily lives. This encyclopedic work covers 400 femal

A former professional librarian, Karen began her writing career in 1986 with a "My Say" piece in Publishers Weekly about the image of librarians, a stereotype which did not square with her punky hair, red glasses, and loud voice. (Shh!) She went on to write articles about rock videos and science fiction movies/television for publications such as American Libraries and Library Journal . As Karen's interest in science fiction and fantasy grew, she began to write poetry and short fiction in those genres. She h

Karen's next book will be Historical Women on Scripted Television to be published by McFarland. You can find more of Karen's writing on her blog Small Screen Pop , where she discusses retro TV and culture, with an emphasis on shows of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. When not hunched at the computer, Karen enjoys snapping pics and walking on the beach in Malibu with her biologist hubby, Bob Desharnais.