kareleriksson.com - Improvisedmusic | Karelerikssonmusic

Description: Karelerikssonmusic: Karel Eriksson is a Swedish Trombonist/Composer/Arranger based in Graz, Austria. www.kareleriksson.com

Example domain paragraphs

"What a pleasure to hear Karel and his band on this new album Same View Different Meaning. While the trombone used to be one of the most emblematic instruments in jazz, there are very few of us today who can defend the trombone as a leading instrument. Karel is definitely one of these special player who offers here on this album a great group of musicians who really connect with one another. Same View Different Meaning is a promising album and prove to only be the beginning of an exciting adventure Karel an

Samuel Blaser, June 2022

Sound Pollution Eclectic nähern sich auf„Same View Different Meaning” dem Thema Jazz auf einewirklich einmal andere Art an.Die Musik des Quintetts besitzt seine ganz eigene Schwingung, einen Ton, der auf wunderbare Weise Bilder in die Köpfe der Hörer*inne pflanzt. Ein spannendes Klangerlebnis

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