karanbhanot.com - Karan Bhanot

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Hi! I am Karan Bhanot , a passionate and determined individual who loves to code and tries to use his skills and knowledge to develop meaningful solutions for the community. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science with research in Data and Machine Learning. My drive to create novel solutions to existing problems inspired me to pursue research and I've already started engaging with the research community ( Research ). I actively work on projects related to Data Analytics , Data Science , and Machin

I am Karan Bhanot, a Computer Science Ph.D. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). My Ph.D. Thesis is titled "Synthetic Data Generation and Evaluation for Fairness", completed under the guidance of my advisor, Dr. Kristin P. Bennnett . My research interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Generative Models, Synthetic Data Generation, Trustworthy AI, Fairness in Machine Learning, Ethical AI, Robustness, Generative AI, Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models (LLMs), Health Infor

I have worked with many experts from academia and industry including Dr. Isabelle Guyon (ChaLearn, Google), Dr. John S. Erickson (RPI), Dr. Ioana Baldini (IBM), Dr. Dennis Wei (IBM), Dr. Jiaming Zeng (formerly IBM, now AKASA), Dr. Yooyoung Park (formerly IBM, now Moderna), and Thilanka Munashinghe (RPI).