kaholly.blogspot.ca - KaHolly

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 It is truly my pleasure to return to my blog to share this delightful, new quilt with you today.   Sew Preeti Quilts  has created yet another fun beauty and I found it very difficult to resist when she asked me to be a pattern tester.  Despite my dwindling stash, and the lack of shopping opportunities up here, I eagerly accepted.  And then I spent the next few weeks second guessing myself and wishing I had told her I wouldn’t be able to do it.

Finally, on August first, I cleared my sewing space, dug through fabric remnants and scraps that were stashed away high and low and lots of places in between, and set to work.  I had exactly 1/4 yard of black, and fortunately had some silver gray Free Spirit yardage tucked away high on a shelf to use for the background.

I am notoriously famous for choosing a simple pattern when I need a quick quilt, and then spending hours and hours stitching to the moon and back.  That was NOT the case here!  In exactly 2 weeks, it was completed.  Label and all!  Since I always have someone to send a quilt off to, this quilt could only be destined for one very special young lady.  (My quilts speak to me.  Do yours?)

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