jumpcrypto.com - Jump Crypto

Description: Jump Crypto, a division of the Jump Trading Group, is a global leader in Web3 infrastructure development and investment.

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Cyclone Zero Knowledge proofs are quickly becoming a core primitive for blockchains as a means for enabling the development of highly-scalable distributed systems and privacy-enabled applications. Hence, low-latency proof generation is critical to the success of ZKs. Check out how we married our expertise in hardware and FPGA design with our experience in crypto to help accelerate core components of these proof systems by a factor of 10. The code is open-source and out in the open — we’re excited to contrib

Silo Key custody is an ongoing problem when working with large teams of people using the latest blockchains. There's a great need for more customizable and feature-rich custody solutions, especially as more diverse sets of people and institutions get involved. We decided to start Project Silo to build custody solutions to suit our needs and also contribute back to the industry through open source.

May 24 2023 _ 7 min

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