juliecrisp.co.uk - Julie Crisp

Description: Julie Crisp: Literary agent, script doctor, freelance editor and editorial consultant. Previously head of Tor UK. Over fifteen years editorial experience.

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I am an editor with over fifteen years\u2019 experience working for three major houses across a broad spectrum of commercial titles within fiction, non-fiction and children\u2019s. 

I am an editor with over fifteen years’ experience working for three major houses across a broad spectrum of commercial titles within fiction, non-fiction and children’s. This also included three years spent working in the Australian publishing industry. For nine years, I headed up the UK arm of one of the largest global brands of science fiction and fantasy, Tor . I’ve worked on bestselling and award-winning authors such as Ann Cleeves, Peter F. Hamilton, China Miéville, Neal Asher, Amanda Hocking, Naomi N

As an agent I am actively looking to build my list and am looking for historical fiction, crime/thrillers, bookclub fiction and science fiction and fantasy. My clients include: John Gwynne, Devin Madson, C.T. Rwizi and Sam Hawke.