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Description: Art collage latin latinx contemporary art found objects

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Juan Hinojosa Juan Hinojosa Juan Hinojosa Juan Hinojosa /// Paper Sculpture Panels Bio CV Contact More /// Paper Sculpture Panels Bio CV Contact /// Paper Sculpture Panels Bio CV Contact Recent Press Art Spiel - Juan Hinojosa: Ensemble Iconographies by Etty Yaniv Art Spiel - Juan Hinojosa: Ensemble Iconographies by Etty Yaniv Art Spiel - Juan Hinojosa: Ensemble Iconographies by Etty Yaniv New York based artist Juan Hinojosa collects found objects from everywhere he passes by. A toy snake, a  wooden bird, a

In his explosive and vibrant collages, Juan Hinojosa explores  themes of desire and identity—riffing off pop culture iconography,  dreaming on representation, and creating Cinderella’s out of any and all  bits and bobs he comes across. Incorporating trash alongside  conventional art materials and objects from high-end stores, Hinojosa  calls the viewer into a treasure hunt around and across his layered  compositional imagery.

Embracing the concept of the library as a laboratory, the Mandeville  Gallery and the Schaffer Library at Union College annually present the  Art Installation Series in an effort to shift the visual arts from a  gallery setting into a public space.