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A Course for Women Taught by Shulamis Labkowski Join a wonderful group of Jewish women for a monthly night together of inspiration, friendship, and growth! Seven Tuesdays at 8:00pm, Starting Nov. 9, 2021 In-Person with Zoom option available Tuition: $125 for full course. Includes student book. Scroll down to register. Continue Reading

Soulmates Jewish Secrets to Meaningful Relationships Romantics of all ages have waxed poetic on the notion of “soulmates,” seeking to grasp what makes love and passion so potent, what drives the inexplicable magnetism between two people, and what makes true love last. Yet millennia of Jewish text and tradition are Continue Reading

It’s a question that has launched a thousand self-help seminars, a riddle that has perplexed multitudes, a mystery that enthralled the ancients: What is the secret of happiness? Jewish thought has long emphasized the importance of living with joy. But how? And can you really choose to be happy? This Continue Reading