jsmgardendesign.co.uk - JANE SCOTT MONCRIEFF

Description: Jane Scott Moncrieff is a Garden Designer based in Norfolk & London. She trained in Planting Design and Landscape Practice at Capel Manor College, Regent’s Park. Jane has been awarded two Gold Medals and a Best in Show, and has had three designs accepted by the Royal Horticultural Society. Full garden design service - construction, landscaping, lighting, planting and garden management.

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I am passionate about planting design and plant combinations, always remembering the words of the brilliant plantswoman, Beth Chatto OBE , ‘Right Plant, Right Place.’

I follow Beth’s motto in all aspects of design.  It’s not just the planting that has to be absolutely right; all the other elements must be sympathetic to the setting and suitable to the scheme.

A beautiful garden adds value to your home, and gives pleasure for years to come.