- Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Surgery

Description: Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Surgery is an official Journal of The Association of Paediatric Surgeons of Pakistan (APSP). This is a peer reviewed and open access hybrid medium journal and is published both as an electronic and print versions. The journal is launched in June 2020 with a mission statement “Improving patient care by publishing quality research”. The journal has a unique objective to not only focus Pediatric Surgery but also Adolescent Surgery, which is a transition of care from Pediatri

journal (2109) surgery (1619) pediatric (622) adolescent (473) pediatric surgery (19) neonate (8) apsp (4) neonatal surgery (2) adolescent surgery (1) association of pediatric surgeons of pakistan (1)

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Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Surgery ( ) a peer-reviewed and open access hybrid medium journal published both as an electronic and print version. The journal publishes original research articles, Systematic reviews, Meta-analysis, Narrative reviews, Evidence-based reports, Short communications, Case reports, Letter to the editor, Clinical images, Radiology quiz, etc. Detail of these publication types can be seen in Instruction to Authors . Every manuscript will be peer-r

Dear all kindly visit our table of contents for reading advisory titled " COVID-19 Pandemic: Advisory and Consensus Statement for the provision of surgical services from The Association of Paediatric Surgeons of Pakistan (APSP) "

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