- Joshua-Ren's Homepage

Description: Yi (Joshua) Ren is currently a 2nd year Ph.D. studying Machine Learning at UBC

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I am a Ph.D. (2020-now) student who is working on machine learning under the supervision of Prof. Danica J. Sutherland at the University of British Columbia (UBC). I am trying to figure out how to train a model that generalize well systematically. This idea originates from my master's study at the University of Edinburgh (2018-2019) with Prof. Simon Kirby and Prof. Shay Cohen . We find that not only human, but the neural network might also prefer the highly compositional mapping when trained under different

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02/2023, one paper accepted by ICLR-2023 12/2022, one paper presented in the 1st workshop on interpolation and beyond at NeurIPS-2022. 08/2022, visiting Professor Aaron Courville's group at Mila for 4 months, really enjoy living in Montreal. 02/2022, two papers are accepted by ICLR-2022, code and camera-ready will be released soon. 10/2021, finally, after one-year's waiting, I arrive in Vancouver to start my 2nd-year Ph.D. study.

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