- Jon Bell

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Jon is an Assistant Professor directing research in Software Engineering and Software Systems at Northeastern University.

His research in flaky tests has led to open source contributions to the Maven build system and Pit mutation testing framework . His program analysis research has resulted in several widely adopted runtime systems for the JVM, including the Phosphor taint tracking system ( OOPSLA ‘14 ) and CROCHET checkpoint/rollback tool ( ECOOP ‘18 ). His contributions to the object-oriented programming community were recognized with the 2020 Dahl-Nygaard Junior Researcher Prize . His research has been funded by the NSA an

At Northeastern, Jon teaches Software Engineering , and previously, at George Mason, Jon received a university-wide Teacher of Distinction award for his courses in distributed systems , web development , and program analysis . Jon serves on a variety of program committees and was recently co-chair of the PLDI 2020 Artifact Evaluation Committee . As part of his efforts to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in computing, Jon co-organized the mentoring workshop at ICSE in 2022, and the PL/SE