- Fruit Inspection

Example domain paragraphs

Hands down. This is her. Her name is Courtney. She’s been my stylist so long that I can’t even remember how long it’s been! We met in Sunday School class. She was opening a new shop and offered to do my hair. I tried not to be offended that someone would walk up to me at church and suggest I do something different with my hair, but…. that’s Courtney. She knows exactly what I need.

When we moved to Florida I tried to time my visits back to Georgia to correlate with when I would need my color touched up. It was working until recently. My scalp looked very similar to the trending Pinterest page “Dark Roots” , only a lot less glamorous!!!

I was stressing out about my options: 1. Find a salon in Florida and hope for the best. 2. Wait it out and be grateful I don’t know a single person in a 500 mile radius. 3. Buy a box of color and darken my whole head until I could get to her.