- Resources for Writers

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Essential advice since 2010 for fiction writers, aspiring novelists, and editors from Jodie Renner, highly respected fiction editor and author of three award-winning craft-of-writing guides, FIRE UP YOUR FICTION, CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS, and WRITING A KILLER THRILLER, as well as time-saving QUICK CLICKS e-resources.

In-demand freelance editors, like agents, are very busy people. A well-respected editor will  receive a lot of submissions for editing, more than they can take on, so it's important to send them everything they need when you first contact them, rather than just introducing yourself.

Be sure to check out their website first and see what they specialize in editing and what they need from you before they can consider taking on your work. If they don’t include that info, just use the guidelines below and send them all the information listed, so they can see the subject matter and quality of the writing right away.