- Ocean Modelling and Fluids Group

ocean (1682) climate (947) fluid dynamics (36) gfd (12) numerical modelling (7) applied computation mathematics (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Applied Computational Mathematics, Inverse Methods, Numerical Modelling, Data Analysis

We mostly study fluid dynamical processes in the context of the ocean, principally via computational methods. While the motivating context is on global/regional settings and we touch on climate/biogeochemistry/ecology/modelling applications, the focus is on the physical processes . On this site you can find information about our research projects (which also includes some non-ocean things we do), and the members making it happen.

Our research activities are funded by the RGC . We are also partly affiliated with the CORE program. Those interested in joining the group as a student/staff are generally welcome to contact Julian Mak , no guarantees we have openings though (we are essentially fully committed in terms of time and money at this present time). If you are looking for short projects (e.g. UG or MSc students, doesn't have to be within ocean science department itself), then please see blurb at this link .

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