jkcounselling.co.uk - Janet Kells | Psychotherapist Counsellor Supervisor

Description: Janet Kells is a UKCP registered psychotherapist, supervisor and counsellor and also a CBT+ practitioner, in private practice in Balham, London SW17

therapy (9904) psychotherapy (4247) counselling (3717) supervision (2531) psychosynthesis (43) psychotherapy london (18) psychotherapy balham (1) janet kells (1)

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My name is Janet Kells and I am a UKCP registered psychotherapist working as a psychosynthesis therapist, supervisor and counsellor and also a CBT+ practitioner, in private practice in Balham, London SW17. I am also a fully trained and accredited supervisor. I became involved with psychosynthesis over 20 years ago and trained at the London Institute of Psychosynthesis . Originally from Northern Ireland, I have lived and worked in both Scotland and England for over twenty years. Before practicing as a psycho

I am also a Reiki Master and I practice QiGong Meditation and Tai Chi .

I offer counselling and psychotherapy for individual adults; counselling for individual adults and psychotherapy and counselling supervision for individual therapists.