jiayulighting.com - 扬州市嘉裕照明有限公司

Description: 扬州市嘉裕照明有限公司成立于2014年,是一家专业从事路灯生产制造的生产厂商。我公司主要产品有:市电路灯,太阳能路灯,共杆灯杆,高杆灯,庭院灯,景观灯,草坪灯,LED幕墙,LED灯具,市政围栏,民用护栏,等系列产品。公司经10年发展,目前已形成了外贸为主体,招投标为重点的发展思路。公司以诚为本,以质取胜,欢迎广大客户莅临指导,共享共赢!

led street light (142) decorative lighting (58) street light pole (24) lamp post (18) 市政照明 (5) china street light supplier aluminum lighting pole pole outreach steel light pole deco street light

Example domain paragraphs

Ladder climing type 25m stadium mast pole with maintenance platform and protection ring

HPS & LED lamp housing PC diffuser with pattern

Square lamp shade with LED bulbs for garden and parks

Links to jiayulighting.com (1)