- jetAVIVA Journey Blog

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A collection of stories, updates, and banter about the world of buying, selling, and flying jets as seen through the eyes of jetAVIVA's Team. Like what you see? Visit us at or call us at +1.512.140.0295.

Last weekend, jetAVIVA vice president of Phenom Aircraft sales Greg Oswald and I took an adventure tour of the Idaho back country with Pilot Getaways co-founder and editor John Kounis . The purpose of the trip was an introduction to both back country airstrips and to get some flying time in John’s Cessna 185, a capable back country airplane and a style of flying far from the comfort of the Phenom 100.

The 668-nm flight to Idaho entailed six hours of flying over two days. The first leg to Battle Mountain, Nevada , crossed hundreds of miles of barren desert and required a dogleg around the restricted area around Area 51. We did dodge a couple of thunderstorms, but didn’t see any flying saucers.