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Menu Close Home Posts Micro-posts Reviews About Latest post 16 Jun 2023 Monthly report: May 2023 Appalling. Over halfway through this month before summarising last month, and I was sorely tempted to just abandon a report for May. 1 I know what that would do to me, eventually. In any case, I have excuses, two week-long trips, one in May, and one the first week in June.

Steps down; time on the bus, sleep up. Must be the seasons.

On the bike restoration, there has to be a word that is considerably less than restoration but considerably more than greasing up the chain. Fixing up doesn’t seem to quite do it. Anyway, I scored a quill stem and a saddle on eBay, though the saddle has not yet arrived. Sniper worked beautifully. The mismatched crank thing is weird too, because I found other pairs of mismatched cranks on eBay that, the sellers said, was just how they found them. Only the frame left now, but I seem to be procrastinating more

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