- Lets Go - Camping Apps von Campern für Camper

Description: Die besten Stellplätze, legale Freistehplätze & Campingplätze in einer App. Von Campern für Camper, egal wie du reist, mit Van, Womo, Wowa oder (Dach)Zelt

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Currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory at the University of Bergen, Norway.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the ethics of biomedical Big Data at the Oxford Internet Institute and part of the Digital Ethics lab. I hold a PhD in Bioethics and Medical Jurisprudence from the Centre for Social Ethics and Policy at the University of Manchester. 

My main research interests lie at the intersection of health, ethics, law and policy-making. I am particularly interested in the role of well-being as justification in ethico-legal decision-making processes, esp. in the context of vulnerable people. Taking my research into the community matters very much to me, so I try to avoid the ivory tower and be connected with people. This is one of the reasons why you can easily reach me on Twitter.