- Jenna Riedi

Example domain paragraphs

Firework displays are happening frequently across the country and these pyrotechnics can be seriously distressing for companion animals. 1 in 5 pets go missing after being scared by loud noises, according to the ASPCA. Make sure your furry friends are safe and comfortable during this long holiday weekend! Here are some steps to help keep your companions safe:

I encourage you to consider celebrating the holiday without fireworks, which can frighten wildlife as well as pets, or with quiet fireworks, as Jamestown, Rhode Island, did in 2019. However, regardless of how your family celebrates, it is important to take steps to ensure the safety of your pet on a notoriously loud night. Click here for tips on what to do if your pet becomes lost.

During the pandemic, I realized my heart was still very much in the animal welfare world and wanted to return to work in the field. I had already started the Library and Information Sciences masters program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison the semester before, but by fall of 2020 I knew I wanted to figure out a way to combine what I was learning at the iSchool with helping animals and get back into the animal welfare world.