jdssv.org - Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation

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The journal welcomes contributions to practical aspects of data science, statistics and visualisation, and in particular those which are linking and integrating these subject areas. Papers should thus be oriented towards a very wide scientific audience, and can cover topics such as machine learning and statistical learning, the visualisation and verbalization of data, big data infrastructures and analytics, interactive learning, advanced computing, and other important themes. JDSSV is an open access journal

For this special issue, we call for papers treating themes related to the modeling and analysis of complex data (structured, non-structured, mixed), using data analytics, statistical learning, and machine learning methods. Submissions are encouraged that propose novel approaches and visualization tools to provide the explainability of such models, particularly in real applications. Finally, papers emphasizing multidisciplinary topics are especially welcome. Submission is open until July 31, 2023.

This international refereed journal creates a forum to present recent progress and ideas in the different disciplines of data science, statistics, and visualisation. It welcomes contributions to data science, statistics, and visualisation, in particular, those aspects which link and integrate these subject areas. Articles should be oriented towards a wide scientific audience, and can cover topics such as machine learning and statistical learning, the visualisation and verbalisation of data, visual analytics

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