jay-ipl.github.io - Jie(Jay) Mei

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Jie(Jay) Mei [email protected]

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. from the Information Processing Lab at the University of Washington, Seattle where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang . My research involves deep learning, lifelong learning, multimodal learning (vision+language), and 3D vision.

I just finished a real-time NeRF rendering project as a deep learrning research intern at Apple in 2023 summer. Before that, I was engaged in a vision language pre-training project as a research intern at Google Brain . In 2022 summer, I was a research scientist intern in the MapsCV team, Reality Labs , at Meta Platforms, Inc. , working on panoptic segmentation of Lidar Point Clouds. I was also a software engineer intern in Megvii, China in 2019 summer, working on few-shot object detection.

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