jatanbuch.com - Jatan Buch

Description: I am a postdoctoral research scientist in the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering at Columbia University. Currently, I am collaborating with Kara Lamb and Pierre Gentine to study multiscale aerosol-cloud interactions with physics-informed reinforcement learning. Previously, I was a member of an interdisciplinary research group led by Park Williams and Pierre Gentine at Lamont-Doherty…

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Jatan Buch

I am a postdoctoral research scientist in the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University , and a member of the interdisciplinary research group led by Profs. Park Williams and Pierre Gentine . Our primary research objective is to develop physics-informed machine learning models to study wildfires in the western United States using multiscale climate, vegetation, and population datasets.

More broadly, I am interested in using causal inference, deep learning, and physics to address complex real-world problems, in particular ones that involve quantifying the ecological and socioeconomic impact of climate change. In the medium-to-long term, I am also interested in exploring new financial systems to facilitate transitions to sustainable renewable energy sources in developing countries.