jasonhmoore.org - Jason H. Moore, Ph.D. – Biomedical Informatician – Data Scientist

Example domain paragraphs

I am a biomedical informatician and data scientist with more than 25 years of experience in the development, evaluation, and application of computational and statistical methods for the analysis of big data collected from studies of complex systems. I am currently founding Chair of the Department of Computational Biomedicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. More information about my research can be found here . My blog can be found here . My Wikipedia page can be found here . Current projects include the dev

My CV (Dec, 2021) can be found here .

I am a biomedical informatician and data scientist with more than 25 years of experience in the development, evaluation, and application of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods and software for the analysis of big data collected from studies of complex systems. I am currently founding Chair of the Department of Computational Biomedicine and Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Education at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. More information about my resear

Links to jasonhmoore.org (2)