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Jason Butz is a software engineer and cloud architect with a strong focus on JavaScript, TypeScript, Node, and AWS. Jason has a love for open-soure software and a passion for building scalable, secure, and reliable applications.

I recently tried out Plausible as an alternative to running my own Countly . With Plausible I was able to reduce the effort I needed to put in as well as my costs, the only trade-off was giving up some advanced capabilities I didn’t use…

This past week AWS announced Lambda Function URLs , public endpoints you can enable for Lambda functions to allow them to be invoked. These endpoints can be authorized with IAM, or have no authorization. These new endpoints are well suited to one-off endpoints that don’t require all the capabilities of API Gateway. These URLs are very well suited for use with webhooks. You can also use them to enable functionality on websites and blogs, for example accepting form submissions. Function URLs come with built-i