jarisaramaki.fi - Jari Saramäki – It's complex

Description: It's complex

Example domain paragraphs

In the spirit of my post last week , let us continue figuring out the role of AI in scientific writing through a Gedankenexperiment . Where we left off was the use of AI as an assistant — a virtual editor if you’d like — to suggest improvements to one’s text, instead of churning out autogenerated content. Think Grammarly++, or similar. This is, at least to me, perfectly fine. However, I would appreciate it if the text still retains its voice and human touch, lest everything sound exactly the same.

Now, fast forward to the future. If people still write science 25 years from now, how will they use AI tools? What are those tools capable of?

Here is where I feel science — at least natural science — might diverge from more creative forms of writing, as the purpose of written science is ultimately to transmit information. It might even become desirable to have AI write up our results.

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