jansuomi.com - Jan Suomi

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So what’s new? I’ve switched jobs, from being a developer to being… something. I really don’t know exactly what, because we don’t have any titles. It’s a small company with only four people, which used to be just two, until about two weeks ago when us newbies joined the ranks and doubled the staff.

So what do I do? I’m coding, running out to customers, helping customers who show up at our door and just trying to keep up and learn the ropes. Mostly the day to day stuff is being the IT-department of local small businesses who don’t have their own in-house IT.

With more employees the decision was made that we need a ticket system to keep track of everything and everyone. Post it-notes and e-mails wouldn’t do anymore. Cue the drum roll and enter Drupal 7 with some modifications to the Support module  and a theme my co-worker found. I wrote some, but I’m guessing, dear reader, that you can deduce the amount of modifications it quickly has turned into.